Grace Ives cover story for IN Mag
Grace Ives, 25, is as cool as a cucumber. On an early February morning, at a cafe in Brooklyn, I can see her wide-eyes flash with easy nature when she offers me a small iced coffee. This all just before we pile into a Lyft for a smooth and rainy ride upstate as a six-person-crew.
Born and raised in New York, the Queens-based musician stirs a creative lo-fi pot with mini jumpy records as she “finally got it f-figured out” on—my personal favorite—“Mirror” from Ives’ album 2nd (2019). By the time Ives entered college, she began writing songs to perform in front of her close friends. “That’s kind of how I started taking myself seriously as an artist,” Ives says when reflecting on a nudge that helped make way for all big good things to come.